Here you have a nice picture with( from left to right):
Me, Carlos, Andrea, Karen and César.
I want them a lot, because they are my friends , they have been always with me, in nice and bad times, and of course I think that my boyfriend is wonderful!!, he is the more tender boy I 've ever seen (=
that's all folks( I'm being sacked from PC XD! )
3 comentarios:
y si te posteo en aleman???
ojala supiera...
mmm no se, pasaba a dejar mi saludo y a decirte ke la foto ke tiene por titulo "ahg" o algo asi, parece tomada en un momento sexual. no kise imaginar mas nada, pero ten cuidado con las fotos ke subes, jajaja.
un besito amiga.
cuidate mucho.
My Goddaughter:
I see you very happy in the picture. Long time that I don´t see you this way.
Carlos, old memories come to my head when we share time in the university, he was a shy boy, but now he is better that us. You really deserve each others.
Good Bye
jejejeje Entendi todo ahora me da paja darme la lata de escribir en inglès...es la ùnicaaaaaa foto decente de ese dìa...x) igual salimos lindos...junto con el Carlito q me cae de lolo manolo xD
aii Naturra...besitos cuidate y ta lindo el blog..yo me hice uno hace un tiempo...pero es privado nadie lo puede ver...es mejor asi x)
adiosss se te qeree
y ya sabi...call me for any carrete jajaj
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